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detail of artwork by Mernet Larsen

Mernet Larsen at Frieze Masters

London, United Kingdom

October 9-13, 2024

Frieze London

Frieze London

London, United Kingdom

October 9-13, 2024

Image of artwork by Alison Elizabeth Taylor

Alison Elizabeth Taylor at ADAA: The Art Show

Park Avenue Armory

October 29 - November 2, 2024

detail of artwork by Kaloki Nyamai

Art Basel Miami Beach

Miami, FL

December 4-8, 2024

Image of artwork by Kelly Sinnapah Mary
The Armory Show
Javits Center, New York, NY | BOOTH 224 September 5-8, 2024
detail of sculpture by Yinka Shonibare CBE
Art Basel
Basel, Switzerland Booth A10 | June 11-16, 2024
Frieze New York
Frieze New York
New York, NY Booth B5 | May 1-5, 2024
Detail image of EAMON ORE-GIRON's mosaic tile work titled Infinite Regress LXXV (Variation I), 2024
Frieze Los Angeles
Los Angeles, CA BOOTH C5 | February 29 - March 3, 2024
Art Basel Miami Beach
Art Basel Miami Beach
Miami, FL BOOTH B4 | December 6-10, 2023
Kathy Butterly at ADAA: The Art Show
Kathy Butterly at ADAA: The Art Show
Park Avenue Armory BOOTH A18 | November 1-5, 2023
Image of JORDAN NASSAR Valleys Are Yellowing, 2021
Frieze London
London, United Kingdom BOOTH B10 | October 11-15, 2023
Detail of a work by Toshiko Takaezu's Makaha
Toshiko Takaezu at Frieze Masters
Frieze London London, United Kingdom BOOTH S16 | October 11-15, 2023
Image of YINKA SHONIBARE CBE's Man Moving Up, 2022.
Yinka Shonibare CBE at Platform
The Armory Show New York, NY September 7-10, 2023
Image of XU ZHEN®'s Eternity - Standing Bodhisattva, Statue of Nike of Paionios, 2017-2022.
XU ZHEN® at Platform
The Armory Show New York, NY September 7-10, 2023
The Armory Show
The Armory Show
New York, NY September 7-10, 2023
Image of Firelei Báez's the vast ocean of all possibilities (19°36'16.9"N 72°13'07.0"W / 41°30'32.3"N 81°36'41.7"W), 2022.
Firelei Báez at Art Basel Unlimited
Art Basel Basel, Switzerland June 12-18, 2023
Image of ELIAS SIME's Tightrope 4, 2009-13.
Elias Sime at Art Basel Unlimited
Art Basel Basel, Switzerland June 12-18, 2023
Image of an artwork by EAMON ORE-GIRON titled 'Infinite Regress CCI, 2023' consisting of mineral paint and flashe on linen
Art Basel
Basel, Switzerland BOOTH A11 | June 15-18, 2023
Chrysallis at the Altar by Naudline PIerre
Frieze New York
New York, NY Booth B5 | May 17-22, 2023
Embroidered work by Jordan Nassar
Frieze Los Angeles
Santa Monica, CA Booth D15 | February 16-19, 2023
LEE MULLICAN  Allegory, 1963  Oil on canvas
FOG Design + Art
SAN FRANCISCO, CA Booth 211 | January 19-22, 2023
detail of oil on canvas painting by jesse mockrin
Art Basel Miami Beach
Miami, FL Booth G20 | November 29 - December 3, 2022
installation shot of Christopher Myers stained glass works.
Christopher Myers at Meridians
Let The Mermaids Flirt with Me Miami, FL NOVEMBER 29 - DECEMBER 3, 2022
Grouping of 4 sculptures by Toshiko Takaezu
Toshiko Takaezu at ADAA: The Art Show
Park Avenue Armory Booth A1 | November 3-6, 2022
Frieze London
Frieze London
London, United Kingdom Booth B10 | October 12-16, 2022
FRED TOMASELLI Honeycreeper, 2022 Leaves, photo collage, acrylic and resin on wood panel
The Armory Show
New York, NY Booth 206 | September 9-11, 2022
Trenton Doyle Hancock at Platform
Trenton Doyle Hancock at Platform
The Armory Show New York, NY September 9-11, 2022
Art Basel
Art Basel
Basel, Switzerland Booth A12 | June 16–19, 2022
Frieze New York
Frieze New York
New York, NY Booth B9 | May 18-22, 2022
Frieze Los Angeles
Frieze Los Angeles
Los Angeles, CA Booth E1 | Febraury 17-20, 2022
Melbourne Art Fair
Melbourne Art Fair
Melbourne, Australia February 17-20, 2022
FOG Design + Art
FOG Design + Art
San Francisco, CA Booth 309 | January 19-23, 2022
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